JAX’8P V.2.1.0 – Editor for Roland JX8P

Editor for Roland JX8P. Use Sysex. Patches can be saved and loaded to/from disk (.syx).


New in V.2.1.0 :

– GUI improvement (more compact interface) ;

– Graphics added for enveloppes ;

– Disk Patch browser added for easiest patch navigation (double click patch to load) ;

– Tone extraction from JX10 bank (this give you access to more than 1500 tones available here : http://super-jx.com/) ;

– Fixed some bugs (please report if you expect bugs to help me ameliorate the panel).




Download 641.5 KB – V.2.1.0


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JX8Programmer V2.2

Midi Editor for the Roland JX-8P synth.


Tested on Ctrlr Nightly version 1326



Editor will update after Tone Select (on synth)

Save Patch to Synth (Internal & Cartridge memory locations)

Load & save Patch to disk ((.syx) you can load your old or downloaded sounds)

Edit Patch name in Editor LCD (use CAPS only!)




(minor issue:The Key-Mode slider in the Editor doesn’t update normal. (Synth to Editor only))

