Everything You Need to Know Before Uploading Your Videos to Reddit


The appeal of Reddit’s homepage may be intoxicating, but reaching it is far from simple. Before uploading your videos, think about these factors.

As sophisticated as it is dedicated, the Reddit universe is just as varied and fickle. Thousands of views, likes, and comments are possible for a video of your creation when it travels across the community’s many subreddits. The community, on the other hand, is intended to be an aggregator and discussion board for discovered information rather than shameless self-promotion – there are also several built-in safety guards to ensure this remains so.

Let’s take a look at what makes Reddit so special before we get into the best posting methods and etiquette.

Reddit By The Numbers

According to Reddit’s own statistics (shown above), the site sees around 990,000 unique page views each day. Despite its popularity, the site maintains its familiar atmosphere and acts more as a community bulletin board than a social media platform. This implies if you want to submit your own films, you’ll have to understand how the community functions.

Understanding the Community

This is not really a misnomer; while Reddit as a whole can be characterized as a community (which it is), it is, in fact, made up of hundreds of thousands of smaller more specialized communities.

It’s amazing how each community may be distinct yet still have many of the same characteristics that define the whole church when viewed from a front-page down perspective.

Subreddits are Reddit’s categories for posts. The front page used to be known as the “main-reddit,” and other parts were referred to as “subreddits.” There is no longer a single main-reddit. Instead, there are now 50 “default subreddits” that cover subjects such as books, television, and music, among other things, and thousands of additional non-default ones. — from the Reddit Wikipedia article

You can join groups organized by region, profession, pastime, and other interests on Reddit. You “subscribe” to various subreddits and construct your own unique main page and Reddit experience depending on your preferences. If you’re into filmmaking and video-making, for example, you might like /r/filmmakers or /r/, respectively.

Creating new connections and earning goodwill is easier than ever before, thanks to Reddit. You can create your own subreddit or join existing ones that are relevant to you. As a result of the platform’s openness, it’s also possible for users to find you more easily on other sites while connecting with people who share interests and knowledge in their spare time (more about that later).

A little tip for Reddit users: You can use Reddit video downloader to download interesting videos from Reddit.

Speaking the Language

Submissions are frequently abbreviated and seasoned with words that are understood within (and in many cases also outside) the Reddit community, ranging from OP (for “original poster,” the user who posted the submission being commented on) to NSFW (for “not safe for work”). – from Reddit Wikipedia

If you’re new to Reddit, reading the front page and various subreddits where you may be interested to get a feel for how people post is a good place to start. However, the subreddit /r/, which stands for “Theory of Reddit,” contains a glossary of many of the words and abbreviations.

It’s also critical to master and apply good manners (or reddiquette), which includes learning and practicing correct etiquette. You’re in luck yet again, since Redditors have put up a canonical list of “Please do” and “Please don’t” rules.

With the ultimate aim of uploading your own films as published material, it’s vital to remember the following:

Please feel free to link to your own work (as long as it’s not excessive). However, if all you ever post is links, or it seems to always get downvoted, look in the mirror — you may be a spammer. The 9:1 ratio is a popular rule of thumb that states that only 1 out of every 10 of your submissions should be original material.

The 9:1 ratio is the real cherry on top, and if you’ve ever attempted to post your own material only to be down-voted and harassed, it’s the rule that will swiftly put you in hot water. Which brings us to how to avoid getting into trouble in the first place.
