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    Hi Baus,

    First you would need to determine at the positions of the two 4bit bytes in the incoming MIDI message. Remember to count from F0 as zero.

    These two bytes will be converted to a number, for example 0F 01 is converted to 1F which in decimal is 31 as you know.

    Create a function that processes the 148 byte MIDI message. You can filter out other incoming midi strings:

    receiveMidiFromDevice = function(--[[ CtrlrMidiMessage --]] midi)
    if midi:getSize()==148 then
    updateModulators(midi) - only run function if incoming MIDI = 148

    In that updateModulators() function, create a hash table of all the modulator names you want to assign values to:
    The key refers to the modulator name and the value to the position of the leading byte in the MIDI message.

    local t={dial1=8,dial2=10,dial3=12}

    In the function you pass :

    local b1=m:getData():getByte(v)
    local b2=m:getData():getByte(v+1)
 two arguments to the 4 bit denibbilize function:

    It is possible to use getRange(t.dial1,2) and pass one argument to a function but we won’t go there

    That function will return the value which you then assign to the modulator.

    function combine4n(a, b) -- convert two 4 bit nibbles to a single integer
        local m = bit.lshift(a, 4)
        return m + b

    In that updateModulators() function, loop through the table to assign values to the modulators:

    function updateModulators(m)
    local t={dial1=8,dial2=10,dial3=12}
    for k,v in pairs (t) do
    local b1=m:getData():getByte(v)
    local b2=m:getData():getByte(v+1)
    local value=combine4n(b2,b1)

    *NOTE: it is possible that this may in turn cause the modulator to fire off a send MIDI message, but I haven’t addressed that issue here. Also the code panel:getModulatorByName(k) can be assigned to a lua variable on start as previously discussed in another post.

    See attached panel.



    example of sending message from Bome SendSx

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by dnaldoog. Reason: removed unnecessary variable
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by dnaldoog. Reason: removed another unnecessary variable
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