Reply To: Getting Panel reflect Patch & Program Settings

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    I think you should use another simpler method for requesting your programs. I will describe it here in a generic way and you need to adapt what I write to your specific sysex request program string.
    The example is for the Korg Prologue that I just did.

    1. Create a uiImageSlider modulator with a nice button look as image.
    Set Values 0-99 for example if the Mirage has 100 programs.
    This is used to decide the program to load
    2. Create a uiIMageButton modulator (2 images) and set Called when modulator value changes to a method “Receive_OnChange”
    In that method you should have a code similar to this one:

    iProgram = modProgramSelector:getModulatorValue()
    local iMSB = math.modf(iProgram/128)
    local iLSB = iProgram - iMSB * 128
    msg = string.format("F0 42 30 00 01 4B 1C %.2x %.2x F7", iLSB, iMSB)

    modprogram has been declared at panel opening as modProgramSelector = panel:getModulatorByName(“ProgramSelector”)
    you can also do this in this method but it is less good

    3. Define a MidiMessageReceived method that will be used to receive and process incoming midi messages
    if size = xxx then use dnaldoog’s method to store and update your modulators
