Reply To: 2 problems not solved

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    Thank You Dasfaker ! you have the eye of the snake
    just need to delete and re create changed mods
    I send correctly now
    But I still don’t understand why I can’t receive different midi chnls correctly .If I have 3 mods with cc17 ch:1 , 2 and 3
    they move all and change their midi chnls to ch:x when ctrlr receive a cc17 ch:x

    For the first point I don’t have trouble with full exported version (tried exe not dll for now) the problem is with restricted version only
    The edit mode force me to create some scripts to kill nil
    or assign correctly current tabs values at startup + my panel initializes most editor mods at start up and keep only VSTexported mods and “system” mods
    But in restricted instances nothing happens.

    Thank you again
