Reply To: Sending Midi Notes to a bidule rack

Home Forums General Using Ctrlr Sending Midi Notes to a bidule rack Reply To: Sending Midi Notes to a bidule rack

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    It seems that everything is correctly plugged in, I am able to switch on/off the “moot” vst. Ctrlr midi output is also received in a midi monitor in Bidule that attests for the Note-On midi sending when I use the pre-build options for sending midi messages. But the lua method called at modulator values changes do not produce any signal.

    I tried the following:

    myMethod=function(mod, value)
    m={0xF0; 0x18, 0x21, 0x01, 0x55, 0x16, 0xF7}

    I hope both are good midi messages (the second one m is taken from working code in the forum). No new output at modulator values changes.

    Here is the version of Ctrlr I use:
    Revision = ac6a31852a8e26ddbf6a7133f87f1fd6dac8a6c4, Build date = Thu 04/24/2014, Branch = Nightly, Juce = 3.0.5, Boost = 1.52.0, Lua = 5.1.4,

    I also noticed two disturbing features, that might help:
    – midi messages go through when the midi device is plugged in the midi input of the vst although the only option in the midi menu that is checked is the “output to plugin host” option
    – Even with the working pre-build version for sending midi notes (i.e. using uibutton Midi tab), I get nothing in the ctrlr integrated midi monitor for output, only input monitor displays something
