Reply To: slider/knob/dropdown multisysex

Home Forums General Using Ctrlr slider/knob/dropdown multisysex Reply To: slider/knob/dropdown multisysex

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    thank you both for reply!
    zeoka:(taken from mc909 editor)
    mfx1 on :F0 41 10 59 12 01 00 00 01 7D F7
    mfx1 off:F0 41 10 59 12 01 00 00 01 7E F7
    mfx1 parameter fx type:
    00 through = F0 41 10 59 12 01 00 00 01 7E F7
    01 stereoeq= F0 41 10 59 12 10 00 02 01 6D F7
    02 spectrum= F0 41 10 59 12 10 00 00 02 6c F7
    03 enhancer= F0 41 10 59 12 10 00 02 00 03 6B F7
    04 isolator= F0 41 10 59 12 10 00 02 00 04 6A F7
    38 gatedrev= F0 41 10 59 12 10 00 02 00 26 48 F7
    roland mc 909 uses checksum i read
    I dont know exactly how to calculate that at the moment.
    only can give you calculated-end-message from sysex-editor of mc909
    is that message enough anyway?

    atom:iam a total knoob! is this possible?
    in this case fe. a knob 0-38 steps, sending 39 different sysex,

    1.)using ctrlr as vst(atomation+randomizing cc value)

    2.)i have quneo midicontroller, wouldn t that work? midilearnin host, -knob cc ctrlr, cc quneo=happy controlling of hardware with hardware, or not that easy?

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by mdma.