Reply To: add a parameter to : getModulatorValuesAsData() method

Home Forums General Programming add a parameter to : getModulatorValuesAsData() method Reply To: add a parameter to : getModulatorValuesAsData() method

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    it seems that the method start at value 1 not 0
    ex : GetModValAsData setting : 0 start idx ,85 range , 1 bpv , false (valuemapped)
    it gives : ff 64 00 64 28 7f…..
    so I set GetModValAsData setting : 1 start idx ,87 range , 1 bpv , false (valuemapped)
    it gives : 00 00 64 28 7f….
    correct but first byte is always zero
    what I call above “vst” is a mod with property vstIndex
    actually I take vst 1 (byte 0 always 0) to vst 85 (so the vst0 value is taken alone)
    and vst 81 to vst 85 :
    by setting GetModValAsData(1,87,1,false) and
    take bytes by getRange (1,81) and getRange (81,5)
    for others mods a do loops
    I can’t use the method with other start byte value than 1 or I have mnany 0 byte to the left of data

    other problem if I don’t use the method I get trouble to get an hex in string format

      idx0 = MemoryBlock(panel:getModulatorWithProperty("vstIndex",0):getValue())
     lm[1] = MemoryBlock(string.format("%s",idx0:toHexString(1))) 

    I tried %x but it lacks the first 0 when value is < 10 also I have another modulator (idunno why) that don't like at all %x !! that crash Ctrlr
