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    Had trouble using glb var as i used it

    mod changeCallbak -> setGlobal
    other mod changeCallbak -> getGlobal

    As I said before to Puppeteer there is global(panel) Callback for glb var change
    That’s working fine

    Attach mod to glb var and apply what you want in this panel script Callback

    You can put complex expressions in it

    -- Called when a global variable has changed it's value
    MyVariables = function( index,  value)
    MySndGens = panel:getComponent("SoundGens")
    MyFilter = panel:getComponent("Filter")
    MyBufList = panel:getComponent("BufferList")
    vwEdtTab = panel:getModulatorByName("EditTab")
          if index == 5 
        then panel:getCanvas():repaint()                              
    --repaint all the panel
      elseif index == 0 and value == 0
        then panel:setGlobalVariable(2,panel:getGlobalVariable(2)%4)  
    -- return to the start 
        else   if index == 2 
             then local a = BigInteger(panel:getGlobalVariable(0))
                  local b = BigInteger(1)          
                  local c = a:getBitRangeAsInt(0,7)
                  local d = b:getBitRangeAsInt(0,7)
                  local e = (23 + c)%128                
                  local f = (23 + d)%128
                           if c ~= d 
                         then panel:sendMidiMessageNow(CtrlrMidiMessage{0xF0,0x3E,0x10,0x00,0x17,d,f,0xF7})
               if vwEdtTab ~= nil  
             then CurrentSound() 
               if BufferToGet == nil 
             then vwEdtTab:setModulatorValue(0,false,false,false)
             else vwEdtTab:setModulatorValue(1,false,false,false)
               if MySndGens ~= nil then MySndGens:repaint() end
               if MyBufList ~= nil then MyBufList:repaint() end
               if MyFilter ~= nil  then MyFilter:repaint()  end

    Apparently you can even set a global var in it :
    “if index == 0 then panel:setGlobalVariable(2,MODEA)”

    currentsound() is a sub script with complex glb var expressions, it is not in the main scritp because I use it elsewhere for panel startup (important step)

    function CurrentSound()
           local a0 = panel:getGlobalVariable(0)
           local a1 = panel:getGlobalVariable(1)
           local a2 = panel:getGlobalVariable(2) + 1        
           local a3 = panel:getGlobalVariable(3) + 1
           local a4 = panel:getGlobalVariable(4) 
           local a67 = panel:getGlobalVariable(6 +a0 ) 
              if a1 == 1
            then    if a67 ~= a2
                  then BufferToGet = MyBuffers[a0+1].FDAT[a2]             
                       SBufIdx =  a2                       
                elseif a67 == a2    
                  then     if a4 == 0 
                         then BufferToGet = nil
                              SBufIdx =  nil 
                       elseif a4 == 1
                         then    if MyBuffers[a0+1].FDAT[a3] ~= nil  
                               then BufferToGet = MyBuffers[a0+1].FDAT[a3] 
                               else BufferToGet = nil
                              SBufIdx =  a3 
            else BufferToGet = nil
                 SBufIdx =  nil
                 MultiMode = a0
          return BufferToGet , SBufIdx , MultiMode   

    in brief
    if index ~= GlobalVariable(5) then
    the script create 3 LUA variables I can use after elsewhere
    if index == 2 I send one or two midi messages
    if index == 0 then I set GlobalVariable(2) then the script restart ( a kind of loop)
    then I send one or two midi messages !
    That way the LUA variables created are always refreshed when you turn any knobs attached to glb var .you can still use panel:getGlobalVariable(index) if don’t want to use LUA variable to call the glob var value

    If that can help
