Reply To: Lua – Counter and Clock input ?

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human fly
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    downloaded, thanks! interested to check out what you did.
    ok, well it is not a serious sequencer project. it’s more
    to get a bit of practice getting things to happen.
    a bit of parameter animation or something could be fun.

    so far, i’ve just gone, ‘oh, let’s see if i can do that..’,
    -trying to reproduce stuff i’m familiar with –
    and it worked, so it’s about adding little things as i go.

    i’d like to see if i can get a counter running anyway.
    it doesn’t have to be the event generator: i mean i’m
    not trying to make a 96ppqn thing, just a series of
    memory slots that the thing can step to when it receives
    a trigger. and: absolutely gratuitous, no reason for it
    at all at this point :o)
    if i can start it and stop it, and get it to produce a
    trigger my ‘clock’ button at intervals – and then see
    what happens.
