Reply To: howto get feedback from panel:sendMidiMessageNow()

Home Forums General Using Ctrlr howto get feedback from panel:sendMidiMessageNow() Reply To: howto get feedback from panel:sendMidiMessageNow()

human fly
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    Possemo has shown me a great panel with loads of methods in it,
    for the matrix1000, seems to be Atom’s work. the matrix1000 has
    delicate sysex timing issues, as i understand it, so there are
    timers on various events to create delays while data is passing
    or writing.

    have you noticed that getRestoreState pauses MIDI?
    i’ve seen the ‘pauseMIDI’ script elsewhere as well.
    both used for letting midi pass one way only until
    transfer complete, to avoid 2way/midithru looping.

    i would VERY MUCH like to understand all about this.

    eg: what is that little script header intended to
    stop indexing issues as startup with getRestoreState,
    getProgramState – what’s that all about then? that
    seems to get included in many methods, rather than
    just a panelIsLoaded method.
