Reply To: os.time() in milliseconds?

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human fly
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    in fact i did try the hires counter first, and that’s
    the one giving strange results – very sequential; at
    least on a short range: 0,15.
    so it’s producing better results with t*c

    basically ‘random’ will be a pseudo-random (i recall) and
    the key is to get seeding that makes it more genuinely
    random, so if you use the os clock you’re not going to
    get the same seed value each time.

    maybe ‘hires’ was too fine for my application.
    you can check out how it’s doing by having a row of
    faders, say 16, and applying the random. if it delivers
    a repeating pattern, that isn’t what you want.

    the other thing i was doing with random was to bias it:
    say you have an envelope polarity control: you don’t want
    ‘inverted’ to come up as often as ‘positive’, so i think
    i set an adjustable comparator until i got the kind of
    ratio i wanted.

    (incidentally, i’m not even sure i want random in my panel,
    as i don’t really think it offers much to synth programmers
    – unless you want to rinse it and get rid of it quickly – but
    i’m interested in how it works, and it’s always useful as a
