Reply To: popup menu actions? (how?)

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human fly
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    hi again,
    getting back to this: returning something from a popup menu selection.

    i figured out how to get back the item number, and send it to a label,
    but don’t know how to get the text entry for that item number – or any
    other data associated with it. at present, i’m doing this:

    my item entries are defined ie:
    Tone_params:addItem(1, "toneName1 00 00/VSTindex1", true, false, Image())
    and the menu action is:

    local ret = Tone_params:show(15)
    if ret ~= nil then panel:getComponent("labelDisplay"):setPropertyString("uiLabelText",""..(ret))

    all you get for (ret) is the item number. how do you get the text part before
    the booleans? -this is just a little thing i am using to have my parameter
    names, address hex, and VST index available to look at. won’t be in the final
    panel. i’m curious as to how you fetch text that appears in the popup.
