Reply To: popup menu actions? (how?)

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human fly
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    hi – ok, i’ve reproduced your code, and i’m getting this error
    (what do we call this type of error? syntax?)

    At line [-1]: [C]
    What: C
    Namewhat: method
    Name: addColouredItem
    Error message: No matching overload found, candidates:
    void addColouredItem(PopupMenu&,int,String const&,Colour,bool,bool,Image const&)
    void addColouredItem(PopupMenu&,int,String const&,Colour,bool,bool,Drawable*)

    am i correct in thinking it is failing at ‘image()’?
    here is what my copy of your code looks like:

    function colourPop2()
    	--This stops issues during panel bootup--else popup will hang startup!
    	if panel:getRestoreState() == true or panel:getProgramState() == true 
    	then return end
    -- Create a table for menu item names
    	itemNames = 
    	local pMenu	= PopupMenu()
    -- Create menu items from the "itemNames" table
    	for i=1, #itemNames do
    	pMenu:addColouredItem(i, itemNames, Colour(0xff21c630), true, false, Image())
    	local ret = pMenu:show(0,0,0,0)
    --////////////////////////////////////// MENU ACTIONS /////////////////////////////
    -- Return if nothing is selected
    	if ret == 0 then 
    -- Print the correct name from the "itemNames" table
    -- Here you could send the name to a label