Reply To: Can I copy all the faders from one tab to another without copying all the tabs?

Home Forums General Using Ctrlr Can I copy all the faders from one tab to another without copying all the tabs? Reply To: Can I copy all the faders from one tab to another without copying all the tabs?

human fly
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    yeah, very good Ctrlr question.

    say you have a synth with 4 parts:

    the best way for this is to create a uiGroup, and put
    your first set of Modulators in it, positioned, sized, etc.
    as you want them – do this on the workspace initially, not on
    the uiTabs.(tell you why in a minute)

    then make a uiTabs, and give it 4 tabs

    then make your copies of the uiGroup containing the Modulators,
    and put each onto a tab.

    problems arise if you create group and modulators on the uiTabs,
    and copy from there: copied modulators (this includes uiGroups
    and uiTabs btw, they are all classified as ‘Modulators’) *retain
    ownership attributes* when copied. so you need to edit/delete
    these attributes once you’ve made a copy. i now always copy to the
    workspace first, remove these attributes, then put the modulator/
    group/tabs etc. where it needs to go, then save. seems to be the
    way to avoid horrible problems, ie: everything you copied disappearing
    next time you load the project. the objects are still there – you can
    find them in the Modulator List – but they have jumped back into the
    original container(group or tabs) at the position coordinates they
    had on the workspace. the mistake then is finding them in the Modulator
    List, and doing ‘make visible on canvas’, because they then jump to
    top left hand corner coordinates, behind, or on top of, your panel.

    but i’ve got a feeling that may not answer your question 🙂
    you want the same parameters to change role according to what
    algorithm you select. is it just 4 algorithms? in which case,
    the answer above is ok. or is it many more, ie per preset,
    with dozens of presets?
