Reply To: 4 separate on/off switches on same parameter address?

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    Hi there Human Fly!

    I would create an array of the buttons, then multiply by 1,2,4, or 8 through a loop adding each button state on/off. They will add up to anything from 0-15. Then just send that value in the sysex.

    fourButtons = function(--[[ CtrlrModulator --]] mod, --[[ number --]] value, --[[ number --]] source)
        a={"P1","P2","P3","P4"} --array of buttons
        m={1,2,4,8} -- multiplier
        sumOfa=0 --variable to hold multiplied values
        for i,v in ipairs(a) do
            local val=panel:getModulatorByName(v):getModulatorValue()
            sumOfa=sumOfa+val*m[ i ]
            --add up the values 
        end --loop
        --You then don't even need to do an if // else - just include the sum in the sysex message
        cs=myCheckSumFunction(0x12, 0x04, 0x00, 0x0c, sumOfa)
        panel:sendMidiMessageNow(CtrlrMidiMessage({0xf0, 0x41, 0x10, 0x16, 0x12, 0x04, 0x00, 0x0c, sumOfa , cs , 0xf7}))
    end --function
        local total=0
        local result=0
        for i,v in ipairs(arg) do
            total=total+v --addup all the numbers
            if(total > 127) then
                total=total - 128
    if result== 128 then result = 0 end -- If the result is 128 then substitute a value of 0
        return result
    end --function

    NOTE: the attached panel has a small error “return result,10” in myCheckSumFunction() (but still works – should be just “return result”

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