Reply To: Can I copy all the faders from one tab to another without copying all the tabs?

Home Forums General Using Ctrlr Can I copy all the faders from one tab to another without copying all the tabs? Reply To: Can I copy all the faders from one tab to another without copying all the tabs?

human fly
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    ok, so:
    so how about you just put 0-100 on your faders, and
    then edit the ‘value to send’ expression to read:
    modulator+462 ? that should give you your offset,
    and make the sysex send 462-562.

    because you want 0-100(panel value) to be 462-562(sysex value)
    that’s how that box works.
    and you do it in reverse for incoming values from the device
    if you want 2way panel updating, with ‘evaluate…from midi message’,
    the next box down.

    edit: i *think* the msb/lsb is dealt with together automatically,
    have to have another look at the k1r panel.
