Reply To: 4 separate on/off switches on same parameter address?

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human fly
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    AHA someone talking to me about page 117 (and 118) of the D-110 manual !
    now that’s promising 🙂

    i apologise for my laziness in asking that question – when i looked at
    this briefly the other day, that revelation came to me, whereas i was
    eye-skimming over those ‘forms’ before, and have not got round to
    handling a few examples myself (because i hack on with the other stuff,
    by default, as i find it easier to get my head round. especially when
    real life issues might not allow taking the day off to do this atm)

    so: yes, at some point, all parameters must become a table of some kind.
    i have some beginning of that, and can initialize a default patch at the
    moment, and have an ‘init views’ method as well, in my startup.

    still sketching out layout – Timbre, this morning, as i need a Timbre
    List (that will need to be recalled and updated to show what Tone each
    Timbre contains), and the parameter display, which must be on a 8x tab,
    if this is going to be a multitimbral editor(…lots of parameters…
    makes you realise that the processor in the D-110 can’t be too bad if
    the thing starts up faster than a Ctrlr panel loads ! and that the
    Roland programmers did a thorough job, with some nice little touches,
    even if everyone ended up moaning about the interface).
