Reply To: Can I copy all the faders from one tab to another without copying all the tabs?

Home Forums General Using Ctrlr Can I copy all the faders from one tab to another without copying all the tabs? Reply To: Can I copy all the faders from one tab to another without copying all the tabs?

human fly
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    oh wow, no s***, it really is ‘analagously’, literally the
    value is the frequency. so how do they do that with the
    sample delay times, when values go into the 31k, with just
    2 bytes?

    if it has to be a table, then refer to dnaldoog’s method.
    you’d have to work out the msb/lsb combination for each
    step, make a numbered table of all that, and then call
    from the table with each if/elseif – which i’m not too
    confident/fluent with yet.

    edit: i’ve never used fixedUIslider: is this like the
    combolist where you can define each step of the fader?
