Reply To: Can I copy all the faders from one tab to another without copying all the tabs?

Home Forums General Using Ctrlr Can I copy all the faders from one tab to another without copying all the tabs? Reply To: Can I copy all the faders from one tab to another without copying all the tabs?

human fly
    • Topics: 124
    • Replies: 1070
    • Total: 1194
    • ★★★★

    here’s what i’m working on, to have a look at, maybe for later.
    to give an idea of some things that are possible without knowing
    too much about ‘coding’/scripting. this is mainly stuff i’ve
    borrowed from panels and messed around with, as i learn gradually.

    recommend you crack on as you are for now, without getting bogged
    down taking big detours with too much Lua, but there are quite a
    few useful things in here, and it should illustrate a bit how things
    work, if you can figure out what’s going on:
    (D-110 editor in progress, just added old rhythm parameters tab)
