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human fly
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    • ★★★★

    there is this also, for sending a patch to the device:

    -- Called when a modulator value changes
    SendFullTone = function(modulator, newValue)
    if tChar ~= nil then
    	label = panel:getModulatorByName("lblPhTtl"):getComponent()
    	PatchName = label:getProperty("uiLabelText")
    	if PatchName == "" then 
    		PatchName = tostring(pNumber) 
    		label:setPropertyString ("uiLabelText", PatchName)
    	if PatchName ~= "*Roland MKS-50*" then
    		TransName = ""
    		addspace = 0
    		b = 0
    		for l=1,10 do
    			char = string.sub(PatchName,l,l) 
    			if char=="%" then char="@" end -- % causes issues. 
    			charNum = TranslateStr(string.format(char))
    			if tonumber(charNum) > 63 then -- this is for special charicters that are skipped.
    				addspace = addspace + 1
    				TransName = string.format("%s%s", TransName, string.format(" %.2x", charNum))	
    		while b < addspace do
    			TransName = string.format("%s%s", TransName, string.format(" %.2x", 62)) -- adding blank spaces at the end if characters are not available.
    			b = b + 1
    		---------------- Tone Transmit ------------------
    		PatchCommand = "F0 41 35 00 23 20 01"
    		PatchCommand = AddHexCommand("DcoEvMd", tostring(PatchCommand))
    		PatchCommand = AddHexCommand("VcfEvMd", tostring(PatchCommand))
    		PatchCommand = AddHexCommand("VcaEvMd", tostring(PatchCommand))
    		PatchCommand = AddHexCommand("DcoPuls", tostring(PatchCommand))
    		PatchCommand = AddHexCommand("DcoSaw", tostring(PatchCommand))
    		PatchCommand = AddHexCommand("DcoSub", tostring(PatchCommand))
    		PatchCommand = AddHexCommand("DcoRnge", tostring(PatchCommand))
    		PatchCommand = AddHexCommand("DcoSbLv", tostring(PatchCommand))
    		PatchCommand = AddHexCommand("DcoNse", tostring(PatchCommand))
    		PatchCommand = AddHexCommand("VcfHpf", tostring(PatchCommand))
    		PatchCommand = AddHexCommand("ChrsOF", tostring(PatchCommand))
    		PatchCommand = AddHexCommand("DcoLfo", tostring(PatchCommand))
    		PatchCommand = AddHexCommand("DcoEnv", tostring(PatchCommand))
    		PatchCommand = AddHexCommand("DcoAftr", tostring(PatchCommand))
    		PatchCommand = AddHexCommand("DcoPwm", tostring(PatchCommand))
    		PatchCommand = AddHexCommand("DcoPwRt", tostring(PatchCommand))
    		PatchCommand = AddHexCommand("VcfFrq", tostring(PatchCommand))
    		PatchCommand = AddHexCommand("VcfRes", tostring(PatchCommand))
    		PatchCommand = AddHexCommand("VcfLfo", tostring(PatchCommand))
    		PatchCommand = AddHexCommand("VcfEnv", tostring(PatchCommand))
    		PatchCommand = AddHexCommand("VcfFolw", tostring(PatchCommand))
    		PatchCommand = AddHexCommand("VcfAftr", tostring(PatchCommand))
    		PatchCommand = AddHexCommand("VcaLvl", tostring(PatchCommand))
    		PatchCommand = AddHexCommand("VcaAftr", tostring(PatchCommand))
    		PatchCommand = AddHexCommand("LfoRate", tostring(PatchCommand))
    		PatchCommand = AddHexCommand("LfoDly", tostring(PatchCommand))
    		PatchCommand = AddHexCommand("EnvT1", tostring(PatchCommand))
    		PatchCommand = AddHexCommand("EnvL1", tostring(PatchCommand))
    		PatchCommand = AddHexCommand("EnvT2", tostring(PatchCommand))
    		PatchCommand = AddHexCommand("EnvL2", tostring(PatchCommand))
    		PatchCommand = AddHexCommand("EnvT3", tostring(PatchCommand))
    		PatchCommand = AddHexCommand("EnvL3", tostring(PatchCommand))
    		PatchCommand = AddHexCommand("EnvT4", tostring(PatchCommand))
    		PatchCommand = AddHexCommand("EnvFolw", tostring(PatchCommand))
    		PatchCommand = AddHexCommand("ChrsRt", tostring(PatchCommand))
    		PatchCommand = AddHexCommand("BndRange", tostring(PatchCommand))
    		PatchCommand = string.format("%s%s%s", PatchCommand, TransName, " F7")

    so this shows how the outgoing bulk message is put together
    -and presumably would let you write *.syx files for a patch
    don’t yet understand ‘PatchCommand = string.format(..’ etc.
    what is "%s%s%s"?

    fascinating stuff for the midi fan. apologies if this is longwinded 🙂
