Reply To: Demo panel for MIDI receive/transmit routines

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human fly
    • Topics: 124
    • Replies: 1070
    • Total: 1194
    • ★★★★

    okay, i’m going to have to digest this more slowly.
    thanks for panel/jpg/syx. off to try that again now.

    worth noting:
    first time i’ve ever heard of regex ! 🙂
    (but somewhat reassured that you cribbed it)
    i’ve bookmarked that page to have a look later.
    ok, so i get what that does – i think i saw another
    way of doing that elsewhere (lost in the fog back there..),
    maybe with more conventional Lua – or it could have been a
    gsub thing; possibly Possemo..

    question: 80 characters is 240 bytes? can you clarify
    the obviousness i’m oblivious to? 🙂 i’m obviously
    considering bytes in the wrong way.

    and [".. v.."] this is the bit that looks weird to me.
    -bearing in mind i’m only just barely getting to grips
    with basic iteration stuff (only done my own one ONCE !)
