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human fly
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    i have been using:

    --convert to hex
    --local tabl_hexcurrent = {}
    --for _,v in ipairs (tbl_voiceval) do 
    --dataconcat = table.concat(tabl_hexcurrent," ")
    --console(String("hex : "..dataconcat))
    -- ----------------------------------------------------
    --make a memory block from the string
    --local MemB = nil
    --MemB = MemoryBlock(dataconcat)

    so i should try your function.
    i am wondering about MSB/LSB – ?!? … because evidently
    simple string.format will not handle that (haven’t tried
    yet) – and then the ‘7bit 2’s complement’ for negative …
    basically, some value ranges are -600 to +600, and one is
    even -320 to +240.

    in fact, for this, i must dig out the RX7 and observe how
    many increments actually take place, and read the results
    out into midiox ( ie: cheat !! ) – i think FixedSlider uses
    a list of values, but have a feeling that the Object Properties
    would require too much compromise.
    note: the RX7 can send its most recent parameter by pressing
    the ‘Enter’ button. that will at least give me the sysex message.

    oh-ho-ho … and THEN, each ‘Key’ (a pad within a kit) has
    ‘offset parameters’ for 4 of the voice edit parameters…aaagh.
    so i do need to have a pause and meditate on it all a little bit
    at this point 😉
