Reply To: why is this method looping through several times?

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human fly
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    ok i tried it just as ‘setValue’ and it did the same thing
    (why is it ‘true,true’ in that format? will check)

    so if i disable this bit/from here, it runs ok:

    for i=1,12 do 
    local param = tbl_keyParam
    --param:setModulatorValue((_G[ "tbl_keyassgn"..keyselct ])[ i ],false,false,false)
    param:setValue((_G[ "tbl_keyassgn"..keyselct ])[ i ],true,true)

    so that’s making it run through the whole thing again
    -25 times, to be precise. that’s the one time it is supposed to,
    and 24 more times. mmm. i have 24 pads, or for each of the 12 parameters,
    it’s doing it twice… mystery continues…
