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human fly
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    thanks for looking through it.
    yes, of course – s’pose i knew some problems could
    arise by doing that. and some of it was thrown together
    with those series of functions, just getting things
    to work.

    sort of experimenting with the library thing. don’t know
    if it has downsides compared to just having separate
    methods – does it have to run through the whole thing
    each time it wants that function?

    discovered that the_G [ .. ] tables have to be created at
    startup, or it doesn’t work – tried without, to see if it was
    creating doubles of those tables.

    they are created on startup, filled with default values,
    and then each time something is changed, the table for that voice,
    or key, is initialised and rebuilt ie: filled with current display
    values. when a pad with that Voice is clicked, values from the
    corresponding _G table are sent to their modulators – so the dispay
    jumps to that pad’s settings.

    which sort of seems to work – as a way of avoiding having hundreds
    of tabs each with 20 or more modulators.
