How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love My Panic Attacks

I am writing this article in order to prove how people can learn to stop worrying about their panic attacks when they are just trying to get rid of the symptoms. If you’re like me, then you probably have experienced a panic attack or several before. I know that for me personally, my mind is racing with thoughts that only make the situation worse (stressful situation=panic attack).

And most times, my heart is beating at an increased rate and even though I try breathing exercises, I’m still not calming down. That’s when it gets really scary; because my body is acting funny all on its own and there’s nothing, I can do to control what’s happening (and sometimes my mind is thinking the worst).

What’s funny is that this article even exists in the first place; because if there was some way to go back in time and tell my past self that the episodes will pass, then I wouldn’t have become so mentally scarred. Some people actually learn to embrace their panic attacks when they are just trying to get rid of the symptoms.

Panic Disorder, according to Thomson Healthcare, is “a condition where a person has recurrent anxiety attacks which are not expected”. And it definitely does not help when my mind is racing with thoughts about how my body is failing me or why I can’t control what’s happening. But who knew that one day, I would learn to stop worrying about panic attacks? It really put things into perspective for me. And in the end, I was able to embrace and even love my panic attacks when they were just trying to get rid of the symptoms.

FAQ on how to stop worrying

– What do people learn to stop worrying about?

People learn to stop worrying when they learn that the episodes will pass and there’s no need to be afraid of it. They also learn that panic attacks are just symptoms of the body trying to get rid of some things, and there’s nothing wrong with them or you (according to Thomson Healthcare on Panic Disorder). And most importantly, you learn how important it is not to avoid what frightens you (panic disorder=fear of panic attacks).

– How am I not able to control my mind?

When we have racing heart and breathing problems, it tends to get worse when our mind starts thinking about the worst possible scenario ever. It’s kind of sense though; because people tend to have a negative mind when they’re in panic mode.

– How do I learn to stop worrying?

In order to learn how to stop worrying, you really need to learn what’s going on with your body and why it’s happening. You also learn that panic attacks are just a series of physical changes that happen when the body is faced with a very stressful situation (stressful situation=panic attack). And lastly, learn not to avoid what scares you because fear activates anxiety which inevitably leads up to panic disorder


That’s why this article is here; because even if you’re like me and your mind races with thoughts that only make the situation worse (stressful situation=panic attack), then maybe this article will help. There are funny memes guaranteed on Meme Scout that can help ease your fears until you learn to stop worrying about your panic attacks when they are just trying to get rid of the symptoms (stressful situation=panic attack). And who knows, one day you might actually learn to embrace them too! So, keep calm and funny on!

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