Supported Gear-list

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      Im new to C-TRLR, found it by chance while reading about MIDI-Quest.

      Unfortunately I find this page a bit irritating… the most important question so far:

      Where do I find a list with the supported outboard MIDI-Gear?


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        Hi and welcome Roger,

        I don’t represent ctrlr in anyway but it is unfortunate you found this page irritating… At the very least it is nice to be able to post a pointed question and have it answered directly within 24 hours! That’s how the ctrlr site is designed to function at the moment – it’s a highly interactive project where the sky is the limit. . . so that’s exactly why you didn’t find a "supported gear-list". if it has a midi in or midi out jack, it’s supported. <img decoding=” title=”Smile” />

        The differences between ctrlr and MidiQuest are huge. I think Atom could probably do a better job speaking for what ctrlr has set out to be but from my perspective:
        like yourself bouncing between all sorts of dated limited and WAY overpriced applications and utilities to speak with my midi synths and outboard gear I found ctrlr.

        It seems most of the daw developers have about 2% of the development going into the MIDI aspects of their programs, the rest going to VST and emulation support…. applications that set out to do what ctrlr does are few and far between.

        FIrst: Ctrlr is in development. It is fully functional and you can find a slew of panels (you create a panel in ctrlr, a panel is built for a specific MIDI synth,sampler keyboard, effects processor, if it has MIDI it’s supported) on the thread called "Panels, Components, Macros".

        You use ctrlr in standalone mode and are presented with an empty panel. You can open a pre-existing panel at this point or begin building a controller panel for your specific synth, adding "components" which can be sliders, knobs, buttons, displays, switches, etc etc. At first it might be best to stick with the default types then once you get the hang of it you can put in custom graphics for the knobs. (knobMan for PC is the prefered knob/slider etc designer as it auto-stitches to a layout that works with ctrlr (and most other panel designers).

        When you go to save your panel you will see you can save it a whole number of ways. The basics are:
        xml (gives an xml extension),
        Bin (file type: panelz, just a different type of xml…)
        Export Panel (file type: bpanelz – saves your xml, but also bundles all the resource files you have imported – USE THIS if you have used any imported resources)
        Export Player – this exports your panel to a file that can be run as a standalone application.
        you also have "compressed" variations of the xml and bin type which takes a little longer to save and open but is smaller in file size.

        That’s the jist. . The forum is here to help you along the way – It’s not as intimidating as it might appear to build a panel, especially with the support here on the forum.

        Atom built and made available this application ctrlr as a result of his own consulting work with electronic musicians, where as far as I understand he eventually coded up his own rudimentary application (which later became known as ctrlr) to help accomplish the various requests his clients had for allowing not only general control of MIDI devices through software but extensive open ended capabilities for custom routings to achieve things nobody had ever thought of doing before. There are lots of possibilities, not just musically but visually as well.

        Monstrum Media | Music, Sound & Software Design, Chicago / San Francisco listen

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          Hey msepsis, thanks for the welcome and explenations!
          What I meant by "supported gear list" is actually the list of available panels. Looking in the thread you mentioned there are only a few… so I guess this project is still in an early stage.
          I understand that this is a comunity project… but if setting up a panel is as difficult like with MIDIQuest, I guess I will pass, cause eventhough Im not a technical noob my main intension with my gear is to make music, and not to set up and program stuff for itself :/

          Im still not sure what C-TRLR is capable of… there are no pics/videos showcases around.

          What I’m mainly searching, is an tight integration of my MIDI-Gear into my DAW-Host (Cubase 6) … mainly to have total recall… so if I load a song, all the outboard equipment is automatically setup in the state when the song was saved last time.

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            Of course some other stuff would be nice too… like having nice panels which paramteters you can automate in the DAW… and beeing able to administrate big sorted/tagged sound/patch libraries from your computer, without loading diskettes into banks and stuff <img decoding=” title=”Wink” />

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              Is CTRLR capable of this?

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                Yes it is.
                What is the gear you are looking to support?

                Monstrum Media | Music, Sound & Software Design, Chicago / San Francisco listen

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                  Oh quite a few…

                  Waldorf Microwave 1
                  Waldorf Pulse
                  Korg MS2000
                  KAWAI K5000S
                  Sequential Circuits Prophet 600
                  Korg Prophecy
                  Korg Electribe MX, SX, R
                  Yamaha SY-85

                  Korg Kaosspad 3
                  Yamaha spx 990
                  Boss SE70
                  Yamaha dp-5
                  Behringer Virtualizer
                  Electrix MOD-FX

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                    Sony DP-5 I meant

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                      But none of them is in the panels-list <img decoding=” title=”Sad” />
                      MIDI-Quest at least as some of them covered.

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                        Such list will be auto-generated once the DeviceDB starts working and people post their work there. Obviously there will be a web-based browser here for Device DB.

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