Reply To: JX-Programmer MKS-70 adaptation

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    @opuswerk: here is a dump changing a patch on the MKS70.
    About the Keymode issue: I found another editor, looks nice, costs about 20€ but there is a demo version where keymode is implemented (the demo lacks some other essential parameters). I wanted to record the code that it sends when changing keymode but until now I did not managed to get it. I am using Reaper at the moment which is really great for the price but I still have to get familiar. I will keep trying but maybe you get this much faster yourself:

    By the way: I am still using MKS70 v1.08 firmware, MidiexpressXT(first usb ver.), Cockos Reaper as VST-Host.

    Edit: Strange, I tried to read the data with the “verbose” verson of your dump. But either I did something wrong or these dumps are quite different (or – 3rd possibility – I am not able to read sysex at all). Here is how I made the dump step by step:
    1.) Let the Ctrlr Midi Monitor listen to INPUT (raw data).
    2.) Change a Patch on the MKS70 – e.g. form A1 to C4
    3.) Wait until nothing more happens in the Midi Monitor, copy/paste in a textfile.

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Possemo.
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