visualize note on/off from controller device

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      If you have a midi keyboard and set it up as your INput device, the uiMIDIkeyboard component will visualize (highlight color) note on messages.. that is when you hit a key on the midi keyboard you see it indicated on screen.

      It used to be not long ago with ctrlr revs that this action would also hold true for your controller device.

      Could that be re-enabled so that when you hit a key on a midi keyboard connected to your “MIDI Controller Device” under MIDI settings, the panel’s uiMIDIKeyboard key highlights when you hit that key on the controller KB? Right now this only works for MIDI IN devices.

      Thanks atom!

      Monstrum Media | Music, Sound & Software Design, Chicago / San Francisco listen

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        I would agree here.  Please advise what the purpose of this Controller device is.  I would also expect it to be something like a Midi keyboard or a Pad system or something.  I would further expect that the purpose of this device, is so that it does not display it’s input as Midi In, but send it directly to Midi Out.

        This would eliminate the looping issue caused by having to use Midi through from Input Device to Output Device.  One could have the Input be the Midi out from the synth to receive Sysex, etc and the Output from Ctrlr be sent to the Midi In on the synth and consist of all Midi generated by Ctrlr and whatever is received from the Controller device.

        Is this not how it should work?  Thanks.


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          The problem with the uiMidiKeyboard is a bit complex, and it’s not really a Ctrlr issue it’s how this GUI was built into JUCE. I’ve spent a few hours trying to get it working on input and output but it’s not possible, if i make it work it will send duplicate MIDI messages and i don’t want that.

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            Atom, would you kindly explain this Controller device and what is it’s purpose and what does it do?  And did it used to work and then quit working as msepsis implies???  Thanks.


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              Device ?

              This is a MidiKeyboard component, it never worked the way it should. It visualized messages but it also duplicated them.

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                The device I am asking about is the Controller device listed in the MIDI menu on the application and VST menu bar.  MIDI has three devices listed MIDI IN, CONMTROLLER and MIDI OUT.

                I would think that MIDI IN should be the device connected to the MIDI OUT port of the external synth.

                The MIDI OUT device should connect to the MIDI IN port of the external device.  Now we should have communication in/out to/from the external synth.

                I am asking about the Controller device which I would think would be something like a Midi Input Keyboard or Pad of some type.  I would think that anything connected here would create MIDI messages that are just sent to teh MIDI In port of the external device.  I would also think that these should not be shown in the MINI monitor under MIDI In but should only show as MIDI Out in the monitor.  This way one could avoid the loopback issue.

                Please let me know if this is correct?  If not, how is it supposed to work?  Thanks.


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                  Yes that is the second input i was working on, it will be a Controller input device (IT IS NOT FUNCTIONAL YET). It will have it’s own settings in terms of device/channel, i want to implement a “MIDI Learn” feature for that and just make it possible to control SysEx heavy synths with whatever new-trendy-usb-plastic-small-portable controllers you have, since all they do is transmit CCs and NoteOn/OFFs (program changes sometimes).

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                    Could it not also the the benefit of what I was asking then also.  I.E. I have my Minitaur with a MIDI In and MIDI Out the I link appropriately to Ctrlr MIDI In and Out.  I then have a KORG NanoKey or other USB MIDI Device.  Could it be selected as Controller device and then have the midi from it pass through Controller and be sent out the MIDI Out channel of Controller but NOT the MIDI IN channel.  This would eliminte the neeed to turn on Input->Output MIDI Thru, which would help with a Loopback issue.


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                      Sure, once it’s done i see no problem in routing the input to the output with a channelize option (that’s what you can do now, take the midi input data from the midi input device-change it’s channel to the MIDI OUTPUT channel-send it on the midi output device)

                      But yes when the Controller device option is ready it will have the same low-level features.

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