Reply To: Called when the panel has finished loading

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human fly
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    ok: i can run a ‘panel loaded’ method now, clear on that.

    i would like some clarification of some things i’ve
    observed, and some info i’m picking up:

    toggling ‘panel mode’, brings back the views i have
    hidden with setVisible. this doesn’t seem to mean it
    will load wrong in the end exported version: i have
    exported ‘exe’ versions that run ok, but don’t as *.panel
    files. (re:component visibility on load)

    so i’m interested in what is going on there. panel mode on/off,
    and what is the difference in those states of the program:

    (not familiar with meaning of ‘bootstrap’, soz..)

    i can save it in Panel Mode, and it opens well – although there’s
    something going on there: it only opens well if the values on the
    main parameters (controlling the views) are saved different from
    their intended startup values, and need to be changed on load,
    ie: ? activated ?

    i also read that MIDI output is suspended with getRestoreState,
    -when it is ‘true’? – well, i’m having a problem with 4 sysex
    messages being sent out as Ctrlr starts(or as the panel loads).
    i can’t see any reason -yet- why these modulators might be
    sending out MIDI at that point – was not doing it before)
