Reply To: howto get feedback from panel:sendMidiMessageNow()

Home Forums General Using Ctrlr howto get feedback from panel:sendMidiMessageNow() Reply To: howto get feedback from panel:sendMidiMessageNow()

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    You can also look at my Pro2 panel.
    Look at Timers method (timers 3 and 4) and corresponding bank receive / bank send in the BankProceed_OnChange method under Programs library methods.
    Ctrlr was indeed sending too fast for the Pro2 to load. Therefore I introduced a 150ms timer.

    timer:setCallback (3, timerCallback)
    timer:startTimer(3, 150)

    This means that the code in timer 3 is executed every 150ms.
    In timer 3 you need to foresee a way to stop the timer at a certain moment.

    Good luck!
