Help wanted for Proteus 1

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      Hi there

      I want to make a Proteus 1 panel and I am encountering some problems already.

      According to my Proteus manual the sysex for a parameter value is

      F0 18 14 dd 03 pl pm vl vm F7

      In this sysex string the following is told by the manual
      Pl = Parameter # lsb
      Pm = Parameter # msb
      Vl = Value lsb
      Vm = Value msb

      My problem is how I deal with the msbs. What do the values need to be?
      For example, if I want to select the Primary instrument in the Proteus the parameter number is 23 decimal which is 17 hexadecimal. This is just one byte. I take it that that is the lsb of the parameter number. My question is, does the parameter msb need to be 00?
      I saw in the ctrlr tutorial that xx will represent the value generated by a knob. I take it xx only represents 1 byte (0-255).
      If the value is larger do I have to add another xx? I would like to know what I am doing here.

      Also, when I load the Ctrlr vsti into my sequencer the midi input and output devices are set to No Device. That’s strange because in my panel the midi input and output devices are set to my midi input and output device.
      I also can’t select the midi input and output devices in the vsti. Is it because the sequencer grabbed my audio interface driver?

      Thank you in advance, people.

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        MIDI is 7bits 0-127 i don’t know how many times i need to repeat that, it’s never 8bits 0-255 NEVER!

        So yes if you have a parameter that has a number of less then 127 the MSB part is always 0.

        If you want to split your value then instead of xx, put in ls/ms or LS/MS in the places (open the sysex editor, right click on the byte and you’ll see all sort of magic that can happen).

        If your host/daw takes over a midi device you can’t use it in Ctrlr, that’s true on Windows only.

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          Thanks for your fast reply. It’s appreciated.

          "atom":1jo8j8y9 wrote:
          MIDI is 7bits 0-127 i don’t know how many times i need to repeat that, it’s never 8bits 0-255 NEVER!

          So yes if you have a parameter that has a number of less then 127 the MSB part is always 0.

          "atom":1jo8j8y9 wrote:
          If you want to split your value then instead of xx, put in ls/ms or LS/MS in the places (open the sysex editor, right click on the byte and you’ll see all sort of magic that can happen).

          "atom":1jo8j8y9 wrote:
          If your host/daw takes over a midi device you can’t use it in Ctrlr, that’s true on Windows only.[/quote:1jo8j8y9]
          So if I understand this correctly, it won’t work because I am on windows?
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            If the host takes over the device on Windows (opens it) then youre toast, this is a Windows feature. But there are ways around that, you can try to transmit MIDI directly to the host via the VST callbacks, or use some sort of virtual MIDI device and work with that (midi yoke). I can’t help you with that i’m afraid.

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              I will try playing around with midiyoke then. Or try to find another solution.
              Thanks for your help, man.

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                It’s not hard to do that sir.

                For example :

                Parm Number – Parameter Name – Min.Max.Value
                23 – pri instrument – 0..255 (Proteus1.SoundSet#0)

                Your code: F0 18 14 dd 03 pl pm vl vm F7

                pl = 23 mod 128 = 23 decimal or (17 Hex)
                pm = 23 div 128 = 0 decimal or (00 Hex)

                It will be like this in CTRLR:

                F0 18 14 00 03 17 00 LS MS F7

                CTRLR uses LS and MS variables to do its job.
                Your Device Id is 00h (by default)
                Your modulator min max will be 0 to 255


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