How to get label content and send it via SysEx?

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  • #83196
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      Hey people,

      I’m very new to CTRLR and I must say that the control surface is not that user friendly 🙂

      I’d like to set up a bunch of labels. I’d like to be able to enter a text inside this label (at least this part was easy). Now I want to convert this text to HEX, put it into a SysEx-Stream and send it out.

      Are you guys able to help me? I don’t have a clue where to start…


      human fly
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        you can do this but i foresee a problem if the user enters
        a non-number character ie: won’t be a number you can convert to hex
        (maybe someone can come up with a filter to exclude alphabet
        oh dear, i’ll have a go..
        off top of head, you’d fetch the text with something like this.
        someone else can fill in/correct?

        function myFetchTextToHex () --[ when modulator value changes ]--
        local myValue  = nil --[ initialise local variables ]--
        local myHexVal = nil
        myValue = panel:getComponent("myLabel"):getProperty("uiLabelText")
        --console(String(myValue)) --[ see what you've got, will return a 'string' ]--
        myHexVal = string.format("%.2X",myValue)
        --console(String(myHexVal)) --[ see what you've got ]--

        it’s probably wrong 🙂
        this is the 1st part. then you have to build the midi message, where
        you’d insert myHexVal where you want your value. gets a whole lot
        more complicated of course if it’s more than 0-127 value range, or
        exotic value ranges.

        why not have a ‘combo’ with a dropdown list of displayed values?

        human fly
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          %.2X is the expression for 2-character hexadecimal, so it
          performs ‘string.format’ on the variable after the comma.

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            thanks for your reply!
            Meanwhile I stepped through the DEMO-files that come with CTRLR. I found the DEMO “Send Patch Name”. This does pretty exactly what I need. 🙂 I just added a panel:sendMidiMessageNow-Command to send the string to the midi output of the plugin. So that’s done.

            But what I now ask myself: Is it possible to export the content of a label to the host? Just like exporting the status of a slider f.e.? Then I could use my Host to switch between different labels.


            human fly
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              you mean to send the patch name?
              here’s the code i’ve seen and used for that (Possemo’s, i think),
              this is for sending the name to a label, so you’ll have to fiddle
              with it, but it’s got the elements in it (been a while since i looked
              at it)

              -- Called when a modulator value changes
              enterToneName = function(mod, value)
              	-- This variable stops index issues during panel bootup
              	if panel:getRestoreState() == true or panel:getProgramState() == true then
              	-- //////////////////////////// RETRIEVING PATCH NAME ///////////////////////////////
              	-- we take the text from the LCD_Text modulator and convert it to Lua type of string, that's why 
              	-- there is the L() macro, otherwise we'd get a String() instance, that might not work well with 
              	-- the native Lua library
              	NewPatchName = L(panel:getModulatorByName("lcd_ToneName"):getComponent():getProperty("uiLabelText"))
              -- Store each character in variable --and convert it from ASCII to numerical code
              	character1 = string.byte(NewPatchName,1)
              	character2 = string.byte(NewPatchName,2)
              	character3 = string.byte(NewPatchName,3)
              	character4 = string.byte(NewPatchName,4)
              	character5 = string.byte(NewPatchName,5)
              	character6 = string.byte(NewPatchName,6)
              	character7 = string.byte(NewPatchName,7)
              	character8 = string.byte(NewPatchName,8)
              	character9 = string.byte(NewPatchName,9)
              	character10 = string.byte(NewPatchName,10)
              -- insert space for empty characters --or method crashes at nil value
              	if character1 == nil then character1 = "32" else character1 	= ""..character1 end
              	if character2 == nil then character2 = "32" else character2 	= ""..character2 end
              	if character3 == nil then character3 = "32" else character3 	= ""..character3 end
              	if character4 == nil then character4 = "32" else character4 	= ""..character4 end
              	if character5 == nil then character5 = "32" else character5 	= ""..character5 end
              	if character6 == nil then character6 = "32" else character6 	= ""..character6 end
              	if character7 == nil then character7 = "32" else character7 	= ""..character7 end
              	if character8 == nil then character8 = "32" else character8 	= ""..character8 end
              	if character9 == nil then character9 = "32" else character9 	= ""..character9 end
              	if character10 == nil then character10 = "32" else character10 = ""..character10 end
              human fly
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                ugh, i might have misunderstood your question actually
                -and i think the code was by Carl Licroy. but it’s still
                relevant for handling ascii names.

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                  Instead to isolate each character and treating it with an if, you can treat the complete string at once with:

                  -- Returns HEX representation of a DECimal number
                  dec2hex = function(num)
                      local hexstr = '0123456789ABCDEF'
                      local s = ''
                      while num > 0 do
                          local mod = math.fmod(num, 16)
                          s = string.sub(hexstr, mod+1, mod+1) .. s
                          num = math.floor(num / 16)
                      if s == '' then s = '0' end
                      return s
                  -- 	For the conversion of a DECimal number to anything else
                  --	it is just needed to use the built-in Lua function tonumber(string, base)
                  --	print(tonumber("0100",2))
                  --	4
                  -- 	print(tonumber("3F",16))
                  -- 	63
                  -- Returns HEX representation of a String
                  function str2hex(str)
                      local hex = ''
                      while #str > 0 do
                          local hb = dec2hex(string.byte(str, 1, 1))
                          if #hb < 2 then hb = '0' .. hb end
                          hex = hex .. hb
                          str = string.sub(str, 2)
                      return hex

                  Then to use it it is as simple as:

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                    Like I said: This is already solved.

                    But I’m still looking for an alternative to “store” or export those labels to the host.

                    human fly
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                      • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by human fly. Reason: deleted
                      human fly
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                        – –

                        • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by human fly. Reason: deleted
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                          But what I now ask myself: Is it possible to export the content of a label to the host? Just like exporting the status of a slider f.e.? Then I could use my Host to switch between different labels.

                          No, the uiLabel doesn’t have modulatorValue, the only property that is sent to the host.

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