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human fly
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    Look in method Miscellaneous under Panel methods

    i see, i misunderstood that: it appears that any named method
    is available if it exists. i made something called any_old_name(),
    with a console output, and i can just refer to it, with nothing else,
    in another method, and it runs.

    ie: so if i have, say, 2 functions, one with a console output, and
    the other making a LED graphic switch on, i just need to stick those
    function by name in any other method i want to run.

    so i can have a function attached to a button that goes:

    function runThis()
    any_old_name() lightLED()

    as long as those exist elsewhere.

    🙂 obvious to you. so all methods are loaded whether assigned to
    anything or not. and panelloaded is only for specific actions
    you want for the startup. ok.

    i’m thinking about how i might organize my projects and
    centralise – which of course is what getPatchData etc methods

    the panels are very good to look at, most helpful of all, so far.
    the tutorials point pages are useful too.
    although i find i’m having to jump all over the place to see what
    comes from where – it takes( time to piece it all together
    -and digest the info –
    i’m trying to see what is ‘standard’ in terms of panel update and
    send/receive operations. quite fascinating, anyway, for an old
    midi head to get to grips with.
