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human fly
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    i am also looking at how to have a random generator.
    i found the following in a matrix1000 panel:
    (this is my own adaptation, and i don’t know if it is
    working optimally yet)

    	-- This stops issues during panel bootup
    	if panel:getRestoreState() or panel:getProgramState() then return end
    	modul	= panel:getModulatorByName("hexlist")
    	rnd	= math.random(0,15)

    ok, so that is my own hack of what i saw, and should return
    something between 0 and 15 for the ‘hexlist’ modulator.
    but it is behaving weirdly: sometimes it just acts as an
    up-counter/incrementor, and at others seems to be not
    random enough. i think it is something to do with the
    timing interval of the seed. Possemo says something
    about it here:

    os.time() in milliseconds?

    in other words, the ‘seeding’ is too slow to give
    random results. i don’t fully understand it yet,
    but i have messed around with seed and random
    modules in synthedit – and seen that if it is not
    done right, you do not get random, you can get repeating

    nb:(if Possemo is reading) interested in how you are
    getting parameters by ‘group ownership’ rather than
    byName, with repetition for each item. i have not
    reproduced that successfully yet.(different context etc.)
