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human fly
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    • ★★★★

    here’s a little present for you anyway 🙂
    but you’ll have to get hold of a novation remoteSL,
    preferably mk1

    remoteSL RolandJV1080 v03(beta)

    no more mousing! and you can zip through the thing
    doublequick – i had to restrict waveform selection
    because of the novation’s limitations – it’s a bit
    heath robinson, what i’ve done, but it sort of works,
    and you can avoid some of the less useful onboard
    waveforms that way – why why did roland design this
    synth like this?(because it’s an all purpose module)

    i did it a while ago, so i forget exactly what i would
    change on it – it’s called ‘beta’ because this was
    the 1st usable version, but it gives good control over
    wave gain stages, and over the fx if you want to use
    them with more subtlety, ie as spatialisation parameters,
    rather than as fullblown gushing reverbs etc.
    (and in the same vein, with a Ctrlr panel, i feel one
    would wish to ‘automap’ to the plugin, to have the same
    sort of quick knobby control – but that’s just one
    approach, of course)
