Re: Patch Dump vbscript by Fozzie : questions

Home Forums General Panels, Components, Macros Patch Dump vbscript by Fozzie : questions Re: Patch Dump vbscript by Fozzie : questions

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    From the midiox help function:
    [quote:2d3rois2]OutputMidiMsg(nPort, nStatus, nData1, nData2)

    This method sends a MIDI message out all MIDI ports that are mapping the channel. The nStatus parameter is a combination of the MIDI status and channel. Data1 and Data2 values depend on the MIDI message.

    I have searched for a clear description of this ‘combination of midi status and channel’, but never found it. I remember to have found some examples that use a format of "175+midichannel#" that work. In this specific case, the 176 value specifies CC messages sent on channel 1 of the specified port (which I have made a variable that is specified separately).
