Does version 5 include any of the panels from version 4?

Home Forums General Using Ctrlr Does version 5 include any of the panels from version 4?

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      I downloaded the stable dmg and saw that the only included panel "appears" to be for the DSI Evolver. Being that there were quite a few editors in V4, I was wondering if any others may have carried over? Specifically the one for the Waldorf Pulse?

      I ask these questions because I downloaded the dmg on my PPC and, since the files for Mac are Intel only (which I was only able to discern from the i386 label after downloading), I can’t run any of them. I DO have an Intel mac but I would like to know this information before I go installing them on my studio computer.

      Thanks. And, PS, it would be great to have a system requirement section on the downloads page.

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        no v4 are not ported to v5. I did not do the universal builds for the PPC (didn’t think anyone would still be using that). I’d like to port some of the panels from v4 to v5 at some point but i have only a limited amount of hours during the day.

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          "atom":3umv7cdp wrote:
          no v4 are not ported to v5. I did not do the universal builds for the PPC (didn’t think anyone would still be using that). I’d like to port some of the panels from v4 to v5 at some point but i have only a limited amount of hours during the day.[/quote:3umv7cdp]

          It’s cool. I know you’re doing the best you can with the time available to you. And, yeah, some of us still got that PPC Mac still sitting at the crib.

          I’ll just give stretta’s Pulse editor a go once more. It’s actually pretty good, but, not as aesthetically pleasing as the version you had previously.

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