Name of the controls (TouchOSC)

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      I’m totally new to this thing…

      I have just started using TouchOSC controlling software on an iPad with LogicPro. When ever there is regular effect or software instrument open, I see the names and values of the parameters instantly on TouchOSC display. But with ctrlr they don’t show up. Is there anything I could do to make it show the names and values of the parameters or it’s the issue with the ctrlr program itself?

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        you need to explain your setup exactly, i think i might now what you are doing but i need to be sure, where is Ctrlr and what’s not showing parameter names. How is it all connected

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          A weird thing has happened. It sure didn’t show the parameters in the beginning but today it does. Perhaps when using the plugins for the 1st time, it had some kind of internal error, perhaps in LogicPro.

          Otherwise, my setup is quite basic or logical in my point of view. I like using presets and controlling all my hardware within DAW. I use AG300 plugin (PG300 emulator) for controlling MKS50 (alpha Juno2), Virus TI is controlled with Virus Multi Instrument audio unit etc. and all those plugins (including ctrlr ones) are used as software instruments. iPad is running TouchOSC and controlling LogicPro automatically and it takes in all the necessary parameters automatically. It’s all very comfortable.

          If that error occurs again, I’ll try to trace where the anomaly comes from and will let you know.

          <img decoding=” title=”Wink” /> great software!

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