Using CTRLR plug in

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      i gave up for long time i tried to continue some panels and i’ve installed on windows10 last CTRLR version
      with mopho panel i’ve two issue

      -the plugin mode get graphic issue and does not export instances correctly
      -the Lokk&Feel seems to be applied to buttons that are in the same layer as knobs using it. the others buttons keep original design

      is there a way to solve or infos if not is there a good last version ?

      nice to see the project still growing

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        I can help on the first part of your problem, as I ran into exactly this today trying on CTRLR in Windows 10, Cubase 9.
        The solution to seeing the whole screen is to click on the menu option “Edit” then “Preferences”, in what you can see inside the windowed plugin on the bottom right.

        From there, scroll down to the bottom. You’re in a form window called “Settings”, not “Preferences” because, well, I dunno. Maybe no-one noticed that before.
        Where it says “Editor Bounds” change that from whatever it says (mine always starts up with 560 220 800 600 and I have no idea why) to 0 0 1024 768

        The numbers refer to the relative position of your editor inside the VST plugin window. Leave the first two as “0 0” – that will always be top left – and change the last two to suit your plugin. 1024 is the width and that may need to be a little bigger, 768 is the height. You will need to close the VST Ctrlr window and reopen to see the changes.

        Hope that helps a little?

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          Thank you it’s working

          also finnally Ctrlr exported restricted instances correcty (5.4.29)
          -Native instruments Hosts are confused about Ctrlr.dll and own dll
          my panels are Under Instigator so Maschine or kore open a ctrtrl.dll with no panel

          other thing
          1 all restricted instances appear with scrollbars
          2 i close,open the plugin GUI and it appears correctly
          3 i change the panel size with a panel button (a magnifying glass) and close the GUI
          4 i open the GUI and its window is changed

          is it possible to get “automatic” window sizing ?

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            it seems that midi Library and vst presets(default ctrlr program) and program snapshot are done to work together.. is it working ? even partially ?

            The restricted intance works very well with NKSF(maschine instr) file format
            For now when i switch presets it’s ok.very cool

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              Hi! first post here.

              Not sure if it’s the right place.

              I struggle with the last version 5.5.2 in Studio One 3 on my windows 10 PC.

              The standalone version is working (using the SY77 panel) but the vst window in Studio One is black…

              It does work with ableton live.

              Any idea?

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