Vst Index

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      Hi Atom

      I’m working on a panel that has a mixture of new modulators and copied modulators from another panel. After having some strange behaviour with some of the modulators I’ve seen that those problematic are sharing the VST Index.

      It is possible to change manually the index of modulators or this could lead to other problems, apart from the behind/in front one?

      The panel has 563 modulators but the index range from 0 to 960 (with gaps) so it could be desirable to rearrange the index of all modulators. Even more, in Cubase AI4 (the one I can test) the list of automatable parameter is sorted following the vst index, so without the ability to arrange the parameters they are mixed and is hard to find the one you are looking for.

      Can the "custom modulator index" be used for this? In fact, what it is used for?

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        You can change the vst index in the XML as long as they don’t duplicate, just numerate them again, i guess i could add an option to sanitize the indexing, i’ll think about it.

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          I’ve tried editing the xml, but modulators somehow remember their old vst index when I open the panel (a modulator that had vst index 5 and it’s changed to 1, when I open the panel it displays vst index 5 again)

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            What does work is arranging the modulators in the xml. The first modulator gets the first Vst index an so on.

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