Reply To: Radio button in a modulator group needs a default setting

Home Forums General Programming Radio button in a modulator group needs a default setting Reply To: Radio button in a modulator group needs a default setting

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    Hi Damien,

    It’s probably a bug, but you can’t use mouse down functions with uiImageButtons. The label will pick up the mousedown, but not the main body of the image button.

    What I do sometimes is have an invisible uiButton sitting above in a separate layer. If you do this though, you won’t see the button image changing (like a red light on etc) so if you want all the visuals then you have to use a called when modulator value changes function which means the lua will be always firing ( which could create an infinite loop ) as was discussed here recently, so a redesign/rethink would be necessary.

    In your code if v==ViButComA then is viButComA a variable set to panel:getModulatorByName(“viButComA “)?

    If it is, then you are comparing a string ‘v’ to an object. Would need to be if v == "ViButComA "

    Also, I don’t think setModulator() can take a boolean – needs to be an integer.

    panel:getModulatorByName(v):setModulatorValue(false, false, false, false) -- Set all other modulators to false

    but better to use:

    panel:getModulatorByName(v):setValue(0, false,)I think

    And also, the if / else is not necessary in that loop, because you are running through each element anyway, so something like:

    for i,v in ipairs(t)do
    	panel:getModulatorByName(v):setValue(0, false)	-- Set all other modulators to false
    -- not sure about what the above achieves
    panel:sendMidiMessageNow(CtrlrMidiMessage({0xf0, 0x0f, 0x40, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, i-1, 0xf7})) -- Press Button
    panel:sendMidiMessageNow(CtrlrMidiMessage({0xf0, 0x0f, 0x40, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x08, i-1, 0xf7})) -- Release Button
    		console("Unit Button Pressed"..toString(v))


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by dnaldoog. Reason: typos etc