Workflow and Gotchas

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      Hi All

      Now that I’ve deciphered the sysex pattern dumps from my ER1 MK2 I’m about to dive in and start making my first panel so apologies up front for any dumb questions that may bring 🙂

      Before I start, are there any absolute do’s and don’ts that I should be aware of? Any limits etc? In Lemur, for example, the maximum array size is 256 so this is a limit on now much data can be received from a synth when requesting dumps.

      As for workflow, I’d envisaged having a VST panel for each of my devices with 2 way control and also be able to transfer pattern dump and update modulators accordingly. I’d also like to be able to still send note info from the host, in my case Ableton, but from snippets i’ve read on here this wont be possible? Or I’ll need a workaround? From what I understand, as Ableton doesnt handle sysex and/or because my midi interface (midex8) is not multi client then I’d need to disable the ports in ableton in order for the panel to work? How exactly would I then send note info from Ableton to the device?

      And lastly, regarding the actual making of panels, to create a VST panel do I need to create it in the VST CTRL or can I start with a standalone project then once thats ready, open in the VST CTRL and save/export it from there after changing a few settings? Dont need to explain exactly whats required here as this will be some way off – I just wouldnt want to work on a standalone project if it means I’d have to redo it all as a VST version.


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        A panel can be loaded in a standalone Ctrlr as well as in a plugin version of Ctrlr (vst or au). For what you want to do (receiving sysex dumps and assigning values to modulators) you will have to code Lua scripts. I learned a lot by looking into other panels and studying their Lua code.

        there is a tutorial made by atom:

        goodweather is making a pdf tutorial (work in progress):

        • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by Possemo.
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