CCNA Exams and Training

The CCNA exam is an entry level exam. It is of interest to many IT professionals around the world. It’s a tough test, but it’s an entry level test because it’s the first test that Cisco Systems offers to its professionals. Many young people like to look for CCNA certified engineers due to their elite status.

Human resource departments across the country also value CCNA. It is a certificate that usually means that you have studied hard. It also conveys a message to employers that you have a certain amount of perseverance and sanity. In addition, most CCNAs are people with at least two years of experience.

No HR department or hiring manager in their right mind would ever hire a CCNA without experience. This is a red flag that they did not receive proper training and most likely achieved certification by repugnant means, such as brain dumping.

There is something in the world of Cisco Exam Dumps that is not only exclusive to Cisco, but is popular in Cisco circles. This thing is referred to as the NDA. Non-Disclosure Agreement means a non-disclosure agreement. In other words, if you spill the beans, you may be stripped of your degree. Not only is this true, but you will also not be allowed to get any future Cisco certifications like CCNP or CCDP, and you can forget about CCIE.

When one embarks on a CCNA journey he can be sure that there will be many books to read. A CCNA candidate will spend several nights perusing Cisco web pages, reviewing stale labs, etc. Non-CCNA candidates will covet the candidate’s new success if they pass this exam.

In the United States, the average CCNA with 5 years experience tends to make about $42,000.00 per year. That’s a lot of money to sit around pining for, you wouldn’t say. Now, I’m just highlighting, but the truth is that it’s an important position for a network engineer. Let’s say you support desktop, if you have an internet problem, it’s a user problem. But when the internet goes down and you are the network engineer, everyone is your problem.

So we can say that CCNA should offer much more than desktop support. This is not the case. But, CCNA has no limits to the possibility of ascent. So take it stride and remember that no desktop support employee makes 150k a year, but some Cisco professionals make that much money. These professionals are usually CCIE or better, which means their level of experience.

Have you ever heard the term CCNA paper? I doubt you have unless you live in the Cisco world. It is being thrown and it is a very big insult to those who have achieved CCNA status. The kind of people who usually say “Paper CCNA” are always affiliated with CCNA. Isn’t that interesting, and if you know a lot of man’s vanity and condition, then this speaks of a lot of culprits. is not it?

Who directs such an insult besides the classic bully? What do most bullies drive? They are driven by insecurity and mistrust. Fear not, I can tell you that it is very rare for someone who has achieved CCNA to utter the phrase “Paper CCNA”. This is simply because they know what it takes and the sacrifice one must make to become a CCNA. There are ‘CCNA’s Paper’ and there are people who use brain dumps but their early careers are tough and by the time they become seasoned they have paid the price for stress under pressure. It is better to do the hard work in advance and go to work every day with great confidence and pride in your efforts and abilities, than to cheat. This will be a job you will enjoy and appreciate.

Hopefully we can stay in an area like networking. And let us take up one last issue. CCNA does not make you a network engineer. The word engineer only applies if you have an engineering degree. Many real engineers resent our use of the term network engineer. So let’s decide to use the term technician, architect or manager. This will enable us to know the arrogance of our true colleagues in engineering.

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