Disguised Toast ‘Canceled’ Controversy Explained

Early this month, a Twitter user going by the name of Hope posted a long thread of tweets. This thread was meant to call out  and Facebook Gaming streamer Disguised Toast for his “problematic” behavior. Much of the tweets posted by Hope cite Toast as being “racist” and a supporter of sexual assault. Sometime after, the series of tweets and the poster have gone private on Twitter after the controversy sparked a heated debate in the content creation community.

Getting “canceled” is a real possibility for anyone that chooses to make their personality public via the internet. The idea of “canceling” is meant to call people out for problematic toast cancelled behavior such as racism or homophobia, but cancel culture is often criticized because it aims at tearing a person down rather than helping them be better in the future. When it comes to Disguised Toast’s situation, content creators like and xQc are largely split on the issue and how Toast responded to it.

Why Did Disguised Toast Get “Canceled?”

Though the tweets from Hope are not currently visible, they can be summed up in a few main points. Firstly, there are multiple accusations from Hope calling Disguised Toast “racist” on the account of both obscure comments he’s made and a specific instance where he read off an intentionally and knowingly offensive joke to get a laugh out of an opponent during a Don’t Laugh Challenge.

Otherwise, Hope also claims evidence for Disguised Toast’s support of pedophilia, sexual assault, and the use of racial slurs. Among Toast’s community, it’s a common thought that his sense of humor is crass and sometimes inappropriate, and Toast himself knows this and does this intentionally. But it’s the knowledge of his own satirical sense of humor that led to his prompt response on the matter.

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