Drug Addiction and Legal Problems: IOP In Philadelphia

There are a wide variety of different and repercussions of drug abuse.  Such consequences affect a person’s relationships, education, career and other things within their life.  But one consequence that many addicts ultimately become subject to is that of legal problems.  The reality is that addiction and legal issues often go together.

If you are having addiction problems and need help, it may be worth attending an IOP or other treatment problem before you encounter problems with the law.  There are many IOP in Philadelphia who can help you before it is too late!  There are many addicts you told themselves and others that they would just have “one more”, and the consequences were that they are now languishing in jail.  Do not make yourself one more of these statistics!

Addiction causes a person to behave in ways that they would not if they were sober.  Whatever the case by case may be, the point is that addiction brings about a series of actions which can mean that a person gets in legal trouble.


There is a common happening when a person struggles with drug addiction.  Addiction can completely take over a person’s life, which brings about situations where they do whatever they have to do to obtain their drug of choice.  Addicts are often low incomes and funding a drug habit soon becomes expensive.  This can cause them to steal money from co-workers, strangers, family or friends. 

While friends and family might not press charges (although sometimes do), the general public and co-workers often do.  Theft varies in the punishment which is received depending on the value of what was stolen, and the crime ranges from misdemeanor to felony

Driving under the influence

Driving under the influence (DUI) is one of the most common illegal acts that people take part in when they are addicted to drugs or alcohol.  A person can feel that they are fine to drive, or just assume that they won’t get caught. 

There is the additional factor that some may not even think about the legal ramifications as they are in a different states of mind due to their intoxication.  Driving under the influence is very dangerous for the driver, passengers and any other people on the road.  The reality is that a great number of people die very year from either crashing while under the influence, or from hitting another person. 

Most DUIs are attributed to the use of drugs, but 16% of vehicle crashes involve substances other than alcohol.  The penalties for DUIs vary from state to state, but the first offense tends to be a few nights in jail and DUI classes, and perhaps suspension of the person’s license. 

Repeated offenses can be a felony and end up in long durations in prison or jail.  If you wish to avoid this, check out an IOP program, that can help you free yourself of drugs or alcohol.  IOP in Philadelphia can give you the tools which you need to avoid facing penalties such as these.

Prescription drug addiction

There are many crimes which can be involved with prescription drug abuse.  Someone addicted to prescription drugs might sell or give out their medications to people who are not prescribed them, or fraudulently obtain prescriptions.

Prescription fraud is a serious offense.  Breaking this law is a felony and people who are convicted can face 5 years in jail.

Dealing and possessing drugs

Many arrests and legal consequences come from dealing or possessing certain types of illicit substances.  Of course, dealing is illegal, and dealers can end up with significant legal problems.  There is also the factor of possession.  While it is not a crime to possess medication for which you have a legal prescription, those possessing medications which they have not been prescribed, or who possess illicit substances can be arrested and prosecuted for mere possession of these drugs. 

The penalties for activities such as these vary depending on whether the person was selling the drugs, what the substance was, and how much of the drug they had on their person.

Seeking help for drug or alcohol addictions

It is tough for people who are struggling with addictions, and it can also be very stressful for the family members of their person to see their loved one struggling.  There is help to assist the individual in overcoming their addiction.  Addiction requires treatment, and there are different types of modalities of treatment on offer.

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