ctrlr V6 ‘legacy’ view ??

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      my panels had been designed for ctrlr v 5.4.29.
      I’d really like to upgrade to v6 (starting time 1sec vs 10sec…) , but the ’rounded corner’ 3D buttons do absolutely not suit the panel design.
      it there a way to
      – suppress the 3D effect of buttons?
      – decrease the button corner rounding (in the worst case I could use corner connect, it’s not perfect but would be ok)

      I played with look&feel but this messes up the entire panel (with buttons in different colours depending on the group they are embedded in etc)

      Any ideas?


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        Hi Franky,

        I wouldn’t recommend using version 6 at all yet — I think there are problems when loading as a VST instance for one thing and 5.4.29 I think has a problem too. From memory I don’t think you can load images to the panel, or maybe that was 5.5.2? – but either way the consensus is that the most stable version for Windows is 5.3.201 and Mac 5.3.198.

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          Definitively correct: make your panels in 5.3.201 (Windows) or 5.3.198 (Mac) and forget the more recent versions unless of course willing to experiment, support development and debugging.

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            thanks for the replies. The reason why trying to upgrade: I added massive utils.warnWindow() to the panel. Now when loading a panel to a 2nd tab, there’s a ‘bulk popup’ of all those windows (but also of utils.openFileWindow, os.execute(), etc).
            Personally I’m used to closing the ‘old’ panel before loading a new one, but users are not and usually load new panel versions without closing the old one, thus flooding their display with ~ 100 popup windows.

            Following your recommendation I tried 5.3.201 – same result.

            Ctrlr V6 does not have this problem (fast starting time is a nice side effect).

            PS. apart the popup flooding no problems with 5.4.29, the panels are stable and can load images.

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