Lost 3 days work :-(

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      Please beware. I’ve just lost 3 days of work.
      I’m using Ctrlr v5.3.198 on OSX 10.10.5
      At least I have a copy from 3 days ago but this is incredibly frustrating.
      I’ve just lost 3 days of my life and all the stuff i came up with. In all my years of coding, this is the first time I’ve experienced something like this.

      I saved my panel, closed Ctrlr, opened it again, and the panel is there but the lua editor is F..KING EMPTY…. It only has the 6 Built-In functions.
      backup panel size from 3 days ago: 3,336,220 bytes
      now suddenly latest panel size: 3,242,723 bytes

      How is this possible???

      Apparently, everytime a file is saved it must be a new file.

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        I was able to find a cracked data recovery software for Mac.
        EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard v9.8 (build 20151210)
        With it, I was able to recover the one before last saved version, which is about half an hour old, so no big deal 🙂
        The important thing to note here is that my panel was saved to a drive using a journaling partition format, namely ‘Mac OS Extended’. This wouldn’t have worked on a FAT, FAT32 or ExFAT partition. I am so glad that I did not use ExFAT to format that drive.

        From now on I will only use the ‘save versioned’ command on Ctrlr.

        I hope this info helps someone.

        • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by Mr.ToR.
        human fly
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          welcome to Ctrlr :o) – until you get used to how it
          saves, you can have some unpleasant surprises.
          waah where’s all my work gone.

          i do not use ‘save versioned’, i’m not too sure about it
          yet – i lost some work getting mixed up about what version
          i was working on several times. so now i just make a new
          file when i do a major save. and i appear to ‘save’ that
          file when i do quicky saves, so i feel confident with that

          something you should watch out for if you use groups and
          tabs .. is that modulators you put in them are then identified
          with that tab/group. and if you drag from one group to another,
          it (was, could have been fixed) keeping that attribute. so that
          when you open the panel next time, all your objects have jumped
          back into their former container.

          the way to avoid this seems to be to drag them onto the workspace
          first, to clear the names, and then they can be moved to their

          all good, except i just found what is perhaps a bug:
          the tabs attributes (UItab name, tab number) don’t exist before
          the item is placed on the tab. and then are not destroyed when
          the item is on no tab: the name is cleared, but the tab number
          still exists. so you can have a modulator in a group that is not
          on/in a tab, that has a tab number.

          i noticed this looking at the Modulator List, and one had this
          tabs attribute where the others didn’t, and none were on tabs.

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            In two days, I have now 75 panel files 🙂
            I’m only using save versioned now. I’m sorting files in the directory with ‘Date Modified’ so even if I do a regular save it appears in the correct position.

            I was actually working with groups just right now 🙂 I’m making a multi-segment lcd display. It’s working fine. Did not have any problems with groups. I’m using Ctrlr v5.3.198 on mac. However I’ve experienced another problem which caused me to loose almost half a day of work now 🙂

            The problem is with the ‘uiLCDLabel’ component. Apparently, the ‘uiLabelInput AllowedChars’ parameter is not working. The solution: use a regular label with font ‘LDC2’ instead of lcdlabel with ‘LCD’ font. ‘uiLabelInput AllowedChars’ parameter is working fine in regular label. Also, for some reason, the ‘LCD2’ font is only available in regular label and ‘LCD’ font is only available in lcdlabel. They are very similar but different. I like the ‘LCD’ font better but I’m not gonna be able to use it due this allowed chars bug 🙁

            I have many small LCDs, each in a group, and all these groups are in another group, so i can position, crop and access each separately. Now I have to change all of them to regular labels 🙁

            So frustrating… Still, ctrlr is an amazing package 🙂

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              human fly,
              I think now I understand what you mean about the groups.
              When I cut a component from inside a group and paste it outside, I realized that I have to unclick ‘componentGoupped’

              human fly
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                oh, that too? – i just check that no group name is
                present. i found that pasting or dragging things to
                the desktop clears the owner group name.

                but it does not clear the owner tab name, and when
                you remove that, you cannot remove the remaining
                tab number – at least that is what i am finding.

                try this with one modulator on a tab: drag it onto
                the desktop, save your file, close it and re-open it:
                your modulator has vanished – because it still belongs
                to the original tab it was on. you can remove the tab
                name in the modulator list (with care, don’t go deleting
                owner names on the wrong thing), save, re-open, and it
                should be back where it belongs – unless you do ‘make
                visible on canvas, and then end up in the top left,
                at 0,0.

                i am no longer sure this happens with groups, not checked
                recently. i just always chuck things on the work area first.

                human fly
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                  little side-note: something you will be interested in:
                  i found this post by atom, 2nd post on page2:

                  list of all methods included in Ctrlr (i believe), so
                  this, for me, begins to clarify some things i’ve seen,
                  including different function names: they are different
                  ie: setProperty()/setPropertyInt() etc.

                  waveform component example

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