Essential Oils : Benefits of Indus Valley Essential Oils and Do They Work ?

We all want to have that glowing complexion. And as the weather changes, our skin gets drier and more prone to looking dull. We need to take care of it with hydration and a little bit of effort. But what about essential oils? The essential oils can always help us achieve a healthy glow. Wondering how? Read on

Essential oils for dry skin come in handy during these not-so-comfortable winter months. They are a quick remedy for dry skin, but they work even better when blended with other ingredients such as coconut oil, honey, and oatmeal. The best thing is that you can make any combination you want! Just try it out and find which ones work best for you.

Essential oils have been gaining popularity in the past few years. We know that there has been a lot of buzz around essential oils in the past few years, but let’s know about them in detail.

As you know, Essential oils are concentrated liquids that come from plants and flowers. They can be used for a range of purposes including aromatherapy and skin care.

The Healing Effects of Essential Oils for Your Dry Skin

Essential oils can be a great healing and protective agent for your skin. They can be used as a therapeutic and preventative measure against dry and cracked skin. Furthermore, they can reduce the itchiness of the skin as well as irritation from the sun or other environmental factors.

Essential oils are natural, which means they are free from any kind of chemical additives. Essential oils provide soothing, calming, relaxing effects on your body, mind and soul.

There is a varied range of essential oils for a good skin care that includes peppermint oil, lavender oil and tea tree oil and a lot more.

If you have dry or sensitive skin then it is recommended that you use an essential oil for your daily routine morning and evening.

Step 1- Take a small amount of any Essential Oil of your choice and dilute it using any carrier oil

Step 2- Massage the blend onto your face in circular motions

Step 3- Let your skin absorb the goodness and see your skin healing.

Benefits of Indus Valley Essential Oils for Dry Skin 

Oils are known to moisturize and add nutrients to the skin. They can also be used as a natural insect repellent, and the ones like peppermint oil, eucalyptus oil, and lavender oil are extremely beneficial with headache relief. Besides, they also:

– help with dry skin by moisturising it

– provide nutrients for healthy skin care

– help repel insects

– for stretch marks

– balances pH

– can also be beneficial for healing wounds

– uplifts mood

Essential Oils For Inflammation And Pain

In the past also, essential oils have been believed to have medicinal properties. However, studies have shown that essential oils have a variety of effects on the body and can be used for a number of different conditions. One such condition is skin pain and inflammation.

Inflammation is the body’s response to tissue damage. There are many causes of inflammation, like physical injury, infection, allergies, or any other immune responses. Pain is an uncomfortable feeling that can be mild or severe. Pain can be a result of any disease, injury, or some emotional distress.

Many people use essential oils because it provides them pain relief. Most popular types of essential oils for inflammation and pain are Indus Valley 100% Pure Lavender Essential Oil and Indus Valley 100% Peppermint Essential Oil.

These two oils are most commonly used in aromatherapy because of their pleasant scent and multiple health benefits that they provide, including stress and anxiety relief. Every essential oil has its own set of characteristic properties and the way it affects any individual’s mental and physical inflammation.

Different Types of Essential Oils Recommended Great for Dry or Sensitive Skin

Essential oils provide a great way to soothe and repair dry or sensitive skin.

According to the U.S. National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy, there are five basic types of essential oils: floral, citrus, spicy, woodsy and earthy. Adding any of these oils to your daily routine can help heal and protect your skin from environmental factors such as pollution or cigarette smoke that can lead to breakouts or dry patches. It is important to note, however, that it is not necessary for every oil in the world to be compatible with every skin type.

Note that- There are many types of essential oils that are good for dry skin. Some of these oils work better than others do, and some just won’t work for any given person. It is always best if you perform a small patch test before using an essential oil on your entire body (since some oils will cause irritation in some people).

Conclusion :

With the belief in, essential oils are a natural and cost-effective solution to your dry skin problems, this post has helped you get an idea of what essential oils are, how to use them, and why they are beneficial for your dry skin. Essential oils can be used in various ways to improve your skin’s health, but it is always important to consult with a doctor before using them for therapeutic purposes.

For any queries or concerns, feel free to get in touch with our health experts.
