Features Of Suitable Survival Minecraft Server

Minecraft Server

For those of you who may not know, Survival Minecraft Servers are a server, as seen in the popular multiplayer game Minecraft. The objective of this type of servers is to allow players to deploy their structures and protect them from other players. This can be done through the use of various plug-in and commands which control how combat and wars work.

You should look for many features if you are deciding on what kind of survival Minecraft server to play on. The suitable survival servers’ present different features and here we have listed them below.


For many, this is what makes good Survival Minecraft Servers. Unfortunately, Griefing can easily ruin your game experience and make you regret playing on the server. Thus, all good servers must include an anti griefing system, which allows players to protect their buildings from other players through various means.

2. Affiliate System

Many servers charge for their services or use donations as a source of income. It can be very annoying to pay, only to find out that it’s terrible in some aspect or another. This also applies to other features, such as a shop, etc. The affiliate system allows players to receive a certain percentage of the profits from what they sell on the network or store, as long as it’s not offensive or abusive towards other players.

This way, rather than selling items only to have people complain about being charged money for it, you can simply install a system that allows players to provide a service and get a cut of the profits.

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3. Custom Built Plugins

The server is only as good as its plugins and commands allow it to be. Without plugins, many functions would be impossible to implement. This is why you should look for Minecraft servers that have custom-built plugins written primarily for their needs rather than using off-the-shelf ones. This ensures that the server is precisely what its admins want it to be and not something they feel they have to deal with due to a lack of options.

4. Player v/s Environment

Some servers focus entirely on P v P combats. These types of Minecraft servers are entertaining, but it’s good to know that some focus on player v/s environment combat instead. These servers allow you to fight mobs rather than other players themselves.
